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- Alizée Bingöllü
- Clare Stovell
- Émilie Dosjoub
- Eva May Chan
- Isabelle Royet-Journoud
- Louise Ebel
- Maximilien Dumesnil
- Sandrine Ferreira
- Vincent Pianina
Archives mensuelles : juin 2009
It will be a nice time.
Je suis en plein déménagement, il y a beaucoup de travail, mais quand tout sera en place, ce sera vraiment un endroit agréable.
Un endroit propice à la créativité et au répétition avec mon cher groupe.
C’est ici que nous enregistrerons le premier album. Et il y aura des surprises…
Quelques photos à l’arrache et mal éclairées de l’appartement qui se dessine peu à peu;
Et une interview à paraître dans le magazine imprimé allemand BEAT, spécialisé dans la production musicale. Ödland a été élu sortie du mois, et aura donc une demi-page consacrée.
Ici en anglais, ce sera sûrement en allemand, et sans fautes :
Beat / Congrats for a fab album! It surely is one of the best releases 2009. How long did you work on it?
Ödland / Actually we do not realize yet the range of this first EP because Ödland is a very young project, but we feel it can be welcome all around the world.
We started our first compositions and repetitions in december 2008. But we are working a lot and we have enough songs to produce a great album.
We decided to release this first EP with a netlabel to diffuse as much as possible a first impression of the future. Six months working on it,
it was really quick, but we are full with energy! While this EP is spread on the net, we are recording some new tracks, and we are sure you will be astonished.
It will be a coherent ensemble, deeper.
Beat / Entirely acoustic music is still quite rare in the netaudio-scene. Why do you think there’s so much electronic stuff on netlabels so far?
Ödland/ Netlabels seek the true innovation, and there is a lot of amazing productions in electronic music. An entirely acoustic innovation is a real challenge
because a lot of styles have already been created with those instruments. Besides we think that in music like in other arts, we can always make some new
using old techniques. Sometimes good things are forgotten too quickly or obsoletes. We really love obsolete.
Beat / On your website you say you’re partly inspired by the music of the 19th century. Tell us a bit more about this background, please.
Ödland/ When we are talking about 19th, many people are disconcerted. However, this was a wonderful time for music. We want to see it like a mix between european classic and american ragtime. This was a great time for the romantism, fear and hope in the machines and inventions. We are living with the same emotions, Ödland is afte all romantic. We are inspired by Chopin, Tchaikovski, Litszt and Scott Joplin, but we aren’t closed in this style. We use a lot of toys and little instruments, always acoustic. On scene, there are many things to see, a visual little world. We don’t like shows when there is just a man behind a computer, that is too cold. We love ocarina, tape recorder, loud-hailer, mélodica, musical box, harmonica, piano, violin, kazoo, sanza, matches, pins, quadrant, ukulele… We do mistakes and music happens.
Beat / The audio and visual concept is very consistent, the pictures and video match perfectly what I have in mind while listening. Tell us a bit more about this approach and the ideas behind it.
Ödland/ We believe in total art, the « Gesamtkunstwerk ». Alizee is an actress, Isabelle a photographer, Léa a violonist. Lorenzo studied architecture and graphic design, he is a film director and a photographer too. It was natural to mix all our competences, and we know how pictures and videos are important today, even for the music. For this EP, we are working with aerotone to allow a free download because we think music has to be free nowadays. Besides we are selling cd copies and photographs, beautiful and unique objects, that nothing can remplace. For our great album, we are working on a very nice product, with a lot of pictures and nice paper. We are in love with the matter too.
Beat / Any chance to see Ödland on tour soon?
Ödland/ We hope so and we are ready for this. The first concerts we gave were a very great pleasure and we want to travel a lot. Some people are asking for a tour in US, in Italy, in Germany, in Japan or Australia. This is our dream too but it costs a lot. We are independant then if we sell all our cd copies, we will set an european tour, From Wien to Paris like in our song. Our dream is to be produced by someone or a label who wants to make us travel with our album. An entirely acoustic project is absolutly designed to show.
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Concert au Hot Club Jazz de Lyon
Trois enregistrements live en écoute sur notre myspace (Argentique, Hype et Train).
Merci beaucoup à Eva May Chan qui nous a suivi à ce concert fou
et qui a pris ces quelques clichés avant le concert :
et pendant le concert…
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with aerotone.
Chers amis.
Après 6 mois d’existence, Ödland compte 10000 amis myspace et presque 60000 visites sur sa page. Nous ne nous attendions pas à ce que les choses aillent si vite, et nous sommes très contents.
Notre idée assez particulière de la musique a su faire sa place facilement, elle est accessible et appropriable. L’intérêt rapide qu’elle a suscité nous a poussé à envisager très tôt notre premier EP.
Nous l’avons appelé The Caterpillar, qui est le titre de la première chanson, parce que nous trouvons qu’elle est manifeste de notre pensées, et de notre style en général. Elle comporte des discontinuités et des atmosphères très différentes qui s’y mélangent. Cette chanson, comme d’autres à venir, est inspirée d’Alice au pays des merveilles, dans l’oeuvre originale de Lewis Caroll.
Il y a dans les 5 titres de cet EP beaucoup de varaiations entre le romantisme et le ragtime, et nous sommes ravis de proposer autant de diversité pour cette première production.
Nous avons reçu plusieurs propositions de labels qui voulaient nous signer, mais n’avons toujours pas trouvé quelque chose pour nous satisfaire complètement.
Nous avons donc décidé d’autoproduire complètement notre premier EP.
Nous avons tout enregistré à la maison, dans le salon de Lorenzo, et masterisé comme nous l’aimons. Nous nous sommes occupé du graphisme et de la production.
Et c’est avec joie que notre EP est sorti cette semaine sous forme de cd digipack, très agréable au toucher, et soigné en tant qu’objet.
Nous vendons et expédions les copies nous-même. Il ne peut y avoir de travail plus personnel pour un groupe. Nous avons produits 1000 copies, en vente sur notre boutique.
Parrallèlement, nous travaillons avec le label internet Aerotone, qui nous permet de diffuser en téléchargement gratuit cet EP. Nous ne voulons pas vendre la musique en elle-même. Ce qui nous intéresse, c’est de la partager le plus possible et qu’elle touche les personnes dans le monde entier.
Nous vendons des cd pour proposer de très jolis objets en version limitée, parce que rien ne remplacera jamais la matière. Les bénéfices obtenus nous permettrons de produire l’album complet et de nous faire voyager plus facilement.
Nous travaillons aussi sur notre premier album Ottocento. Nous ne savons toujours pas si ce sera sur le même schéma d’autoproduction que notre premier EP, pourquoi pas. Bien que nous aimerions beaucoup trouver une structure efficace pour nous organiser des tournées.
Merci à tous pour votre soutien, il nous fait croire plus que tout en notre projet. Et ce n’est vraiment qu’un début. Nous avons l’énergie de produire beaucoup de choses à venir. La fête ne fait que commencer et nous sommes heureux.
Lorenzo, pianiste et compositeur, & Ödland.
Dear friends.
After 6 months of life, Ödland counts 10000 friends and almost 60000 visits on his page. We never expected things go so quickly, and we are very hapy.
Our particular idea of the music knew how to find his way, it is accessible and esay to understand. The fast interest she caused maked us to think very soon to our first EP release.
We called it The Caterpillar, wich is the first song title, because we find it is a proclamation of our thoughts, and of our style. There are discontinuities in it, and very different environments. This song, as other coming, is inspired by Alice in Wonderland, in the Lewis Caroll original work.
There is in these 5 tracks a lot a variations between romantism and ragtime, and we are charmed to propose this diversity for a first production
We recieved many labels propositions to sign us, but for now, we didn’t find something for satisfy us completely. We also decided to produce ourseld our first EP.
We recorded all sounds at home, in the Lorenzo’s living room, and mastered it as we love. We taked care of the graphic design and the production.
And this is with joy we are releasing out this week the EP as a digipack cd, with a very pleasant touch, and nice done as a physical product. We are selling and shipping ourself the copies. It can’t be a more personal work for a band. We produced 1000 copies, you can buy it in our shop.
Besides, we are working with Aerotone net label, wich allows us to diffuse this EP with a free download. We don’t want to sell the music in itself. We are interesting to share it as wide as possible and to touch persons all around the world.
We are selling cd copies as nice objects in limited edition, because nothing would ever remplace the matter. Benefits will produce the great album and make us travel easier.
We are working on our first album Ottocento. We don’t know yet if it will be the same self-production diagram than our first EP, but why not. Altought we would like much to find an effective structure to organize tours.
Thanks a lot to everybody for your support, it makes we trust in our project. And this is really just a beginning. We have enough energy and creativity to produce more and more coming things. The party has just began and we are happy.
Lorenzo, pianist and composer, & Ödland.
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